Tuesday, May 28, 2013

School Daze-A Wagging Tail Plaque - SEPJK10

Get the best deal for School Daze-A Wagging Tail Plaque - SEPJK10 is now alive. This best item is currently available, you might buy it this moment for just $12.99 and usually delivered in a single day.

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Buy School Daze-A Wagging Tail Plaque - SEPJK10 top item. lowest price available for you on School Wagging Tail at Lowest prices. Get for best deals.

Item Info

Natural Cinnabar Sandstone Plaque Includes leather strap for hanging. 3.75 inches by 7.5 inches. Approximate weight: 0.5 lbs.

Strong Feat

  • Unique gift item
  • Perfect gift for hostess gifts, birthdays, holidays and decorative use in the home
  • All plaques are ready to hang with pre-drilled holes & a sturdy leather strap


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Key: School Wagging Tail, School Daze-A Tail

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